Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

1995, from a basement in a Toronto suburb, Andrew and Mark Rivkin co-founded CryptoLogic.

Andrew and Mark Rivkin

They had also just completed university degrees. They both had an interest in technology; in particular networking and programming. Initially, CryptoLogic concentrated on creating a secure transaction system for payments. However, their attention was drawn to the brand new market of internet gambling.

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CryptoLogic originally set out as an internet applications developer specializing in secure transactions. It did this by creating several new speedy encryption / decryption algorithms which improved transfer performance of small data files. This helped in the development of not only payments but also interactive client <-> server applications such as casino games.

Check out the old web site and you will see a description of CryptoLogic’s Ecash product. A product that Microgaming did not have until later.

Antigua and Barbuda once again played a role. The brothers not only realized that they could use their software to handle secure casino transactions but they could also could service the  new market for online casinos in Antigua and Barbuda and elsewhere.

InterCasino .com was the first complete casino

You can still access this site thanks to (not on smartphones)

In 1996 was launched with CryptoLogic software and as had a payment system and back office already built-in, a purist can argue that was the first complete internet casino.