Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124


Web3.. No website.. No database.. All public resources

This example pure blockchain slot still consists of the two fundamental components, the front end and the back end. In this case the front end HTML, Javascript and images are being served by a distributed file system call IPFS and the back end (that is the slot logic, accounting, the RNG and the payout mechanisms) is being handled by a blockchain smart contract.

Blokslot is a simple, slow and not particularly interesting slot machine. However, the point is that a game can be launched from a public file resource and use a public blockchain such as Polygon (as is in this case) to carry out the SPIN function as a single transaction. Yes, it takes a few seconds too long as it can only run as fast as the blockchain can carry out the transactions. This will be solved sooner or later for sure

Play the game here


All files are server from public sources and SPIN interaction is with public blockchain RPC on-ramps only.

Blockchain: Polygon
Currency: MATIC
Contract: 0x6B213cA7ac2Ba15E271aA0e69224A17f5075D552

IPFS can be a bit tricky. Just in case the files are not available there, here’s a link to the more traditional blokslot website