Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Boss Media Devoured

In 2008 Boss Media was taken over by a company called GEMed which was owned by jointly by GTECH and Medströms AB. GTECH was by then a very successful supplier of lottery systems and was not happy about losing out to Boss Media.

“GTECH was one of the competitors in the Norway bid. Now Boss Media became a thorn in their side and they decided to devour the company to protect their dominance”.

And remember the name Medströms? Medströms Interactive wrote the original Boss Media server systems and was an early investor in Boss Media. Medströms AB had by then turned themselves into an online gambling software investor. They already owned 20%.  

Medströms Multimedia later on became Infragaming.which was then acquired by NetEnt.

After the takeover, the original Boss Media games were integrated into the GTECH systems. However, the operators of the Boss Media software seem to have either transferred to other systems or to have ceased operations all together.  

And later in 2014 GTECH agreed to acquire IGT which was by then the world’s largest slot machine manufacturer. The new company kept the IGT name and began trading on the New York stock exchange. IGT continues to thrive.