Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

After Boss Media

It was 2008. Henrick had returned to Sweden following his motorcycle accident in Antigua.

“It was just after Boss Media was bought. I wanted to start a new co and get revenge on GTECH.”

Henrick was forced to sell his shares in Boss Media by GTECH. By Swedish law if you acquired 92% of a public company you can force the other 8% owners to sell, so that’s what they did.

But the climate wreaked havoc on his new metal bones.

“Cold countries suddenly aren’t so attractive when you have 20kg of metal inside you. I needed to warm up the metal in my leg in front of a radiator before could go out.”

He moved to Italy, but that was not warm enough.

Then Bali – 2010. Stayed in an ‘Easy Life’ hotel. He hung out, looking for the next thing to do. Not much happened there it seemed.

He created a simple mobile text lottery but found there were no licenses available for such a game.

At a bit of a loss, moving to the Philippines seemed like a good idea. It seemed to fit in with his overall requirements; it is (was) online gambling friendly and most importantly, warm (still is).

So, since 2011 he based himself mainly in Cebu. He helped Play ‘n Go set up their offices in Manila and is now working with QTech Games.

QTech provides a game distribution platform featuring over 80 game providers with more than 6000 games.