Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Antigua Again

After he completed EssNet, he went back to Antigua. 2004

Unfortunately, while travelling around, Henrik would experience a dreadful motorbike accident which would put him in hospital for a year and leave him with some permanent injuries.

Henrick used the back roads as his personal racetrack – a complete nutcase. He was overtaking a car, with the driver on his smartphone. Somehow, the front of the car hit the motorcycle, and Henrik hit the ground hard. He was thrown 150m down the road and then the guy ran him over.

Trapped by his helmet stuck under the card, Henrik was dragged for nearly a mile. Ambulance personnel scraped him off the road and took him to the local hospital in Holberton.

“They were scared of internal bleeding so they did nothing.”

Henrik had 50 broken bones in his body. Even more worrying was that some bone marrow had entered his blood stream and choked off his brain.

He had a stroke and woke up from a coma  6 weeks later. He was completely paralyzed and could not move.

His irreparable broken bones were replaced with titanium. “The bill was for 20 kg of titanium, but I weigh about the same as before.”

Bed-ridden for 6 months, he was then allowed to try and walk again.

“Bones won’t regrow unless you put some pressure on them. Lying in bed does not promote growth”

He persevered and in 2008 he was repaired enough so he could finally return back home to Sweden.

A miracle of modern medicine.