Tracking Labels – simple when you know how

It is so frustrating when you just don’t understand something. It is worse still when it is explained to you and then it seems so simple. At School Trunk, we try and keep our service as simple as possible but tracking labels may come under the category of “easy when you know how”. So, this is the how…

Tracking labels are created from the information we are sent from schools. We are sent “Room Lists” which includes students names, current room and room they are returning to. Each student is then made personal tracking labels with their information on and scan-able QR codes.

The tracking labels come in one long string which includes some shorter labels and some longer ones. The shorter ones are ideal for crates or boxes and the longer ones are designed to be folded around a luggage handle.

4 shorter and 1 longer tracking labels
Longer and shorter tracking labels. (These are blank labels, your labels will have all your personal information on)

What you do with your tracking labels

  • Cut along the dotted lines to separate the labels
  • Put one label onto each item. All items must only have one label to make tracking accurate.
  • Stick the label onto the side of the box/crate. Not on the top as when the crates are stacked the label will be hidden and harder to scan.
  • Any spare labels can simply be binned. If you have three items, you should just use three labels.
  • Be careful when you stick the label on that you do not crease, fold or damage the QR code. It needs to be flat in order to be scanned easily.

What we do with you tracking labels

  • Each item is scanned in your room and marked as “identified”. We note on our system whether it is a crate, box, suitcase, trunk or a more unusual item. Unusual items include golf clubs, guitars etc.
  • Each item is then scanned again when it is in the van and marked as “in transit”.
  • Each item is then scanned again when it arrives at our storage location and marked in the relevant storage area. This means we know in which storage area your items are stored in over the holidays.
  • On returning the item, we scan back into transit.
  • Then when the item is delivered to your new room, it is scanned and marked as “delivered”.
A suitcase with a QR code tracking label attached
A suitcase with one long tracking label attached complete with QR code clearly visible

Simple when you know how we hope? Any questions about tracking labels or other storage questions please contact the office.

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